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Boost’s training system hailed as the nation’s best

Sarah Stowe

The National Retail Association (NRA) has acknowledged Boost Juice Bars’ e-learning network with a Training/Human Resource Initiative Excellence Award.

In 2006 Boost sought to introduce an e-learning system in addition to the existing instructor-led training. The result was the launch of BEN (Boost e-learning network) in early 2007. BEN allows Boost to track all communication and training across more than 180 stores, and this award acknowledges Boost’s innovation in human resource management.

Lube Markovski, national operations manager at Boost, said, “Given our stores are geographically diverse, e-learning provides a way for us to reach all stores and staff with a consistent message, setting and assessing our team’s knowledge of Boost’s operational standards.

“BEN’s forum and image gallery keeps staff connected with the Boost brand. The forum gives frontline teams the opportunity to chat to other Boosties nationwide, search for a promotion or make suggestions on business improvements,” added Lube.