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Games2u launches new entertainment model

Sarah Stowe

Games2u Australia has recently released The Street Party, a new mobile entertainment model that is designed for city locations where parking space is often limited. 

The new model can fit into areas that the larger sized mobile game theatres find difficult to access.

It is fitted out with limousine style features, the latest in gaming technology and six 46” HD televisions.

Despite its smaller size, the new model is designed to cater for 24 guests at once, 12 on the inside, and 12 on the outside.

The company said it wanted to ensure the new model would support and service its clientele.

Games2u continues to offer outdoor entertainment options including laser tag, giant hamster balls, bumper balls and the t-shirt cannon.

The company’s Sutherland franchisee, Geordie Goodman was the first to receive the new model.